Day 99: Halloween
The Trick? We are still waiting for Elliott to start the Interim Maintenance Phase of his treatment. After the fever delayed things last week, this Monday his absolute neutrophil count was still too low to begin the next phase of his chemotherapy. We try again Thursday morning. If his counts are high enough and he begins the next stage he will be admitted to the hospital for what will likely be four days.
Day 99: Getting ready to start the evening
The Treat? Elliott was able to go trick or treating on Halloween. He really liked his Spiderman costume, and was trying to put it on all week. We pulled him along in his wagon while Laurel went door to door trick or treating. He doesn't get outside too often, so he was very excited to have a chance to explore the neighborhood. He was clapping and cheering the whole time! I think part of it was just being excited at how excited his
Day 99: Elliott is upset that the wagon is not moving. We never did mange to get a picture of them both smiling at the same time.