After 15 days off from treatments, Elliott was scheduled to start the next phase of chemotherapy today. As we previously mentioned, this next phase, delayed Intensification, is considered the most difficult. Because this phase of chemo does so much damage the immune system, patients must have above a certain number of white blood to even begin. Unfortunately, Elliott's white cell count was not high enough today. This is similar to the delays before the phase we just ended. We will try again next Monday.
Elliott has been doing well since his last treatment. He has had a few tough moments here and there, but he has remained happy and playful. His appetite has really picked up recently and he managed to gain another pound. The kids enjoyed Christmas. Elliott is too young to understand what was going on, but he is enjoying having a few new toys around. After attending so many birthday parties, Laurel is well antiquated with the concepts of gifts. She gets just as excited watching other people open their gifts as she does opening her own. You have to be quick about it though. If you take to long opening your gift, she will offer to do it for you. Included under our tree this year were several gifts from Elliott's oncology clinic. We received gifts, and stockings, for both kids while Elliott was in the hospital the week before Christmas. It was incredibly kind and thoughtful. Christmas shopping was just another thing we did not have a lot of time for this year. I will post pictures from Christmas day soon.
Day 153: Elliott taking a break from opening gifts Christmas morning.